Sunday, May 1, 2011


Sorry I'm just too damn tired to write everyday. I pigged out last night.
I'm so stupid... ugh.
And I forgot to call my girlfriend, because my dad made me sleep outside for the second night in a row.
Don't get me wrong, I probably deserved it. I don't know what I did this time, but it was probably horrible for him to hit me like that....

Heres a poem I wrote yesterday:

To the little gremlins that switched off my alarm;
I will hunt you down like:
·         the tiger stalks his prey
·         the vampire seeks shade in the day
·         the nun seeks time to pray (for)
·         the boy that hunts words to say
·         the abusive father hunts boy to flay
·         the bruised boy seeks someone with which to play
·         the other children seek to get away
·         the bruised boy’s mother hunts money to pay
·         the tax collector seeking money at her door today
·         CPS hunts her boy and takes it away
·         Finding the boy a new place to stay
·         One where the boy has 3 square meals a day
·         And doesn’t have to worry about falling prey
·         To an abusive father who loves to flay
·         To a poor, poor mother who cannot pay
·         To the other children with nasty words to say
·         For a single friend who would want to play
·         With the poor bruised child who can’t get away
·         CPS never came for her that day
·         They were with the boy they got away
·         There was no nun that for her would pray
·         There was no mother trying to pay
·         There was just simply no other way
·         She had to end her life that day
·         For fear of her daddy’s radioactive decay
·         She never knew she could get away
·         Couldn’t call CPSA
·         So now she rots in the charcoal gray
·         Pretty coffin box, no more words to say
·         Her pretty hands that will never play
·         Her tiny heart that will no longer spray
·         The lifeblood I chose to spill out today.
yeah, ive got issues.
So today is friday, but I'm not excited, because I have to go to the DMV today for my second attempt at my permit. I'm sixteen, and I don't even have my fucking permit yet.
God my brain is too fried to type today. I can no longer find anything productive to write about.
Why would I ever think that anything I have to say is important?

Random idea I came up with while eating a salad.
What if there was a videogame where you could navigate through the vascular system of a plant? Not only would it get this generation more interested in science, but it would be pretty damn neat to whoosh through a giant green waterslide- type thing.

anywho. So like I mentioned earlier, I have a girlfriend. No, I'm not a lesbian, I'm Bi.
She is the first girl I've ever dated. I love her so much...
Today is "school spirit day"
Our mascot is the Shamrock. How terrifying.
I'm wearing one of my older brother's class of 2008 T-shirts and a pair of 00 Roxy skinnyjeans, ash grey. and my new black walmart knockoffs. I'm fucking bored....
Last night's dinner:
2 ounces of salad= 15
1 ounce of ranch= 23
3 slabs of tri tip= 427
1/2 cup beans= 34
1 bowl of cobbler, combo of cherry, peach, and blueberry, with vanilla ice cream on top= 2673
3172= dinner binge.
 thats more calories than the average person is supposed to have in a day. I'm SUCH. A FUCKING. FAILURE.
*break* so its now like almost time for school to end, we have early release on Fridays.
its 11:23. I can't stop looking at Sarah Cummings' chest. Not like that, but above her... y'know. you can see her ribs on her chest. i mean, she has smaller boobs than me, she's probably barely a bcup, but still. its not fair. she doesnt even try, its just that she's in dance. And Angela DeDecker is tiny too, but she's wearing her t-shirt, so I dont know if her ribs are visible on her chest.
I'm ninety fucking eight pounds, but im still fatter than everyone here.
Chemistry teacher did a test to see if anyone is psycotic.
"a girl went to a funeral, and then at the reception, met a man who she fell head over heels in love with. They did not get to exchange information before parting ways. Two days later, the girls sister was murdered. What happened?"
I'm gonna let you think on that one.

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